Add Colour. Add Variety and tackle your mood swings


Let’s talk of your office rooms and the mood swings in your office chamber. Till two decades back, your rooms used to have paneled teak, in mahogany or walnut.
Or may be some other shade. The desk also reflected the same dull and if I may say depressing (at times) feelings. Then we have entered the era of Office furniture in Blues and greys (considered corporate colours). Some decorators add lot of glass too. That’s fine.

Of late of course the flamboyant colours have started getting acceptance. That’s still good.
Now you as a boss have far more stress and need to uplift your mood more frequently than your predecessors. Aids of destressing are there but nothing like some elements in room to help.

Experts believe that there should be some object(s) in the room, utility wise or just for show which should be colourful, stylish and out of ordinary to tackle the mood swings and freshen one’s mind.

Rooms are of course air conditioned but a secondary interestingly designed personal fan does help.

Have a look at this unique stylish Personal Fan designed by Galia Schnadower. She calls it Flower Fun Fan which indeed it is. The easily interchangeable silicone flower blades allow you to change the look and uplift your mood, while it is abundantly use full as a secondary air machine for you.

Arresting attention, Stylish and useful it will transport you to different zones at different times.

Indian designers. Are you listening? Go ahead with your creativity too.

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